
  • Ashot Akopovich Bayadyan Institute of Economics named after M. Kotanyan of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia

Ключевые слова:

Agriculture, financing, mechanism, cooperative, output, loan, development


The article is to highlight the importance of the issues of financing for agriculture, which is one of the major sectors of the economy in Armenia. Factor analysis has been selected as a study method, in the frameworks of which the role and development of agricultural cooperatives has been analyzed. Based on the results of study of the state of country agriculture, the author concludes that cooperative establishment process implementation and development will benefit the mitigation of agricultural problems. From the viewpoint of the improvement of the economic processes the importance of agrarian strategy is highlighted. The author proposes drawing farmers and small entrepreneurs in developing countries into the financial system; innovation in finance to solve the needs of the rural sector in order not to be limited and subject to services provided by the financial institutions; specialization in agricultural finance by the government and the financial sector; and managing the risks and understanding the opportunities of the agriculture sector for successful agriculture policy implementation.

Биография автора

Ashot Akopovich Bayadyan, Institute of Economics named after M. Kotanyan of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department


Библиографические ссылки

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